Re: Another Amtrak vs peds strike Santa Barbara
Author: Nudge
Date: 07-27-2017 - 16:40

Running a passenger there isn't a problem heading in & out of either one. Well maybe a 20 car heavy weights but you just planned ahead. A heavy freight and not allowed to stretch brake is something else. Tangair is only 5511 while Narlon is 6218. Honda was the longest at 6725 but again too many guys, even old heads had a hard time staying together. A lot of "Hardware" around that siding.


Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Another Amtrak vs peds strike Santa Barbara Josh 07-26-2017 - 13:59
  Re: Another Amtrak vs peds strike Santa Barbara WebDigger 07-26-2017 - 15:04
  Re: Another Amtrak vs peds strike Santa Barbara Amtracker 07-26-2017 - 15:11
  Re: Another Amtrak vs peds strike Santa Barbara Wondering 07-26-2017 - 19:03
  Re: Another Amtrak vs peds strike Santa Barbara Narlon is just better for meets 07-26-2017 - 20:40
  Re: Another Amtrak vs peds strike Santa Barbara Wondering 07-27-2017 - 08:19
  Re: Another Amtrak vs peds strike Santa Barbara Good 07-27-2017 - 12:03
  Re: Another Amtrak vs peds strike Santa Barbara Nudge 07-27-2017 - 16:40
  Re: Another Amtrak vs peds strike Santa Barbara Mike 07-29-2017 - 12:20
  Re: Another Amtrak vs peds strike Santa Barbara Nudge 07-29-2017 - 12:46

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