Re: Another Amtrak vs peds strike Santa Barbara
Author: Nudge
Date: 07-29-2017 - 12:46

Things like knuckles, pieces of draw-bars, bent or broken cutting levers from broken DBs, etc.

A bunch of us were deadheading on a west man one day and were sitting on the main at Honda. We were waiting for Bill Agar and an east man. We found a large piece of a knuckle and put at the bottom of the old wood fouling point marker with the brown facing a east bound train. They looked like an old grave marker. We found a piece of chalk and wrote, "Agar Got Me" with an arrow pointing down at the knuckle. We all pointed and laughed as he went by, heading in. He didn't smile. It was there a long time before the wind and sand took their toll.


Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Another Amtrak vs peds strike Santa Barbara Josh 07-26-2017 - 13:59
  Re: Another Amtrak vs peds strike Santa Barbara WebDigger 07-26-2017 - 15:04
  Re: Another Amtrak vs peds strike Santa Barbara Amtracker 07-26-2017 - 15:11
  Re: Another Amtrak vs peds strike Santa Barbara Wondering 07-26-2017 - 19:03
  Re: Another Amtrak vs peds strike Santa Barbara Narlon is just better for meets 07-26-2017 - 20:40
  Re: Another Amtrak vs peds strike Santa Barbara Wondering 07-27-2017 - 08:19
  Re: Another Amtrak vs peds strike Santa Barbara Good 07-27-2017 - 12:03
  Re: Another Amtrak vs peds strike Santa Barbara Nudge 07-27-2017 - 16:40
  Re: Another Amtrak vs peds strike Santa Barbara Mike 07-29-2017 - 12:20
  Re: Another Amtrak vs peds strike Santa Barbara Nudge 07-29-2017 - 12:46

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