Re: Japanese are just light years ahead of us!
Author: Max Wyss
Date: 05-20-2018 - 19:45

In most cases in Japan, a line is operated with the same rolling stock (or rolling stock with similar running characteristics). Then, make reasonable schedules with a little bit of padding, and you can operate on time.

A speed limit is a speed limit is a speed limit. This is fundamental for safe operation.

One example where "speeding" is allowed to catch up time is, however, on the German Neubaustrecken Hannover - Fulda - Würzburg and Mannheim - Stuttgart. These lines are certified for 280 km/h. The ICE1 trains are also certified for 280 km/h. However, normal operational maximum speed is 250 km/h. So, if a train is a bit late, it may get permission to run at 280 km/h, catching up a couple of minutes. As it is within the certified limits of the line and rolling stock, it is absolutely safe.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Japanese are just light years ahead of us! Pdxrailtransit 05-17-2018 - 11:11
  Re: Japanese are just light years ahead of us! AZebra 05-17-2018 - 14:02
  Re: Japanese are just light years ahead of us! Clem 05-17-2018 - 18:17
  Re: Japanese are just light years ahead of us! Railbot7 05-17-2018 - 18:23
  Re: Japanese are just light years ahead of us! Max Wyss 05-20-2018 - 19:37
  Re: Japanese are just light years ahead of us! Dr Zarkoff 05-17-2018 - 18:26
  Re: Japanese are just light years ahead of us! Tony Johnson 05-17-2018 - 18:55
  Re: Japanese are just light years ahead of us! J Mann 05-18-2018 - 08:38
  Re: Japanese are just light years ahead of us! Dr Zarkoff 05-18-2018 - 10:02
  Re: Japanese are just light years ahead of us! Clem 05-18-2018 - 19:19
  Re: Japanese are just light years ahead of us! Max Wyss 05-20-2018 - 19:45
  Re: Japanese are just light years ahead of us! CHSR 05-18-2018 - 13:02
  Re: Japanese are just light years ahead of us! Ishiro Honda 05-19-2018 - 17:41

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