Re: A parallel to CAcaHSR
Author: Olde Glen Ellen Station
Date: 07-16-2018 - 08:06

IIRC, the railroad line from the Adriatic coast through the mountains to Serbia, an engineering wonder in itself, was recently upgraded and/or rehabilitated, either partially or totally funded by EU development money. Ironic!

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  A parallel to CAcaHSR Ed Workman 07-16-2018 - 07:45
  Re: A parallel to CAcaHSR Olde Glen Ellen Station 07-16-2018 - 08:06
  And then the next story on the Reuters site... Commenter 07-16-2018 - 11:05
  Re: And then the next story on the Reuters site... synonymouse 07-16-2018 - 12:55
  Re: A parallel to CAcaHSR Max Wyss 07-16-2018 - 18:10

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