RR health insurance
Author: Office engineer
Date: 04-23-2019 - 19:42

Hey Nudge,

So if a railroader got black lung on the job, are you saying RR benefits did not help?

Not a "boring" topic but a pretty important one.

(Quote below is from the "Socialism" thread).

Sir Nudge
Re: Socialism
Author: Nudge
Date: 04-23-2019 - 19:04

I am a Vet. 40% service connected. Although the VA could use a lot of changes, they need to get rid of the old wood that bilk the system.

Left, Right, ?????

But thats like getting rid of the old deadwood in DC.

By the time my carrier finished with me, I was toast. The life Ins that I had paid for for over 20 years, was worthless. I won't bore you.

The VA is the only thing that helps.


Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  RR health insurance Office engineer 04-23-2019 - 19:42
  Re: RR health insurance Dr Zarkoff 04-23-2019 - 22:34
  Re: RR health insurance Craig Tambo 04-23-2019 - 23:22
  Re: RR health insurance Me 04-24-2019 - 09:36
  Re: RR health insurance Nudge 04-26-2019 - 19:20

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