Re: Fresh LA Times story re: CP Topanga [link]
Author: Joe Thyle
Date: 12-03-2008 - 07:08

A dark signal is a stop signal by rule. The picture that accompanies the article is an exaggeration, as the viewpoint is too far off the axis of view of an operator/axis of the lights. Geraldo-ism or just ignorance?

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Trainnews - volume 1 issue 38 Espee99 12-02-2008 - 19:56
  Fresh LA Times story re: CP Topanga [link] OPRRMS 12-03-2008 - 04:16
  Re: Fresh LA Times story re: CP Topanga [link] Joe Thyle 12-03-2008 - 07:08
  Re: Fresh LA Times story re: CP Topanga [link] E 12-03-2008 - 10:54
  Re: Fresh LA Times story re: CP Topanga [link] The Observer 12-03-2008 - 14:34

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