Re: The stock market is great!
Author: Most Dems will never do this
Date: 02-28-2020 - 08:37

The Donald Wrote:
> No worries , the stock market is great, USA
> kicking ass, Mike Pence is in charge, MAGA!!

The time to buy stocks is now.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Get your train fix now... Sick n Tired 02-26-2020 - 20:05
  Re: Get your train fix now... OPRRMS 02-26-2020 - 20:32
  Re: Get your train fix now... Tony Johnson 02-26-2020 - 22:14
  Re: Get your train fix now... Bon Mot 02-26-2020 - 22:39
  shipments from China are already way down Robbie Nevel 02-26-2020 - 22:40
  Coroner Virus is a carrier trick to get 1 man crews Homer, S.M.R.T union rep 02-27-2020 - 08:42
  Re: Coroner Virus is a carrier trick to get 1 man crews Tim Speaker 02-27-2020 - 09:02
  Can we talk about the virue and Amtrak now? Pdxrailtransit 02-27-2020 - 13:27
  Virus of course. Pdxrailtransit 02-27-2020 - 13:28
  Re: Virus of course. M. Harris 02-27-2020 - 15:33
  Re: shipments from China are already way down My thoughts 02-27-2020 - 21:07
  Re: shipments from China are already way down Sick n Tired 02-27-2020 - 21:41
  The stock market is great! The Donald 02-27-2020 - 21:54
  Re: The stock market is great! King Trump 02-28-2020 - 06:59
  Re: The stock market is great! OBama Rama 02-28-2020 - 08:22
  Re: The stock market is great! Most Dems will never do this 02-28-2020 - 08:37
  Re: shipments from China are already way down Jim Speaker 02-28-2020 - 08:39
  Re: shipments from China are already way down FUD 02-28-2020 - 09:13
  Re: shipments from China are already way down Coldwater 02-28-2020 - 10:00

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