Re: Berryessa & BART
Author: x
Date: 06-12-2020 - 08:56

Twenty years in the making for this line. Probably 10 of those were just for getting the permits... ha!

NBC news

Starting Monday, BART will be running on a schedule adjusted for next weekend's openings of its Milpitas and Berryessa stations.


The 10-mile, $2.3 billion Berryessa project extends BART service from the Warm Springs District in Fremont through Milpitas to the Berryessa area of North San Jose.


Funds for the project came from Santa Clara County's Measure A in 2000; the California Traffic Congestion Relief Program and the Federal Transit Administration New Starts Program.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Berryessa & BART BART Line Matters 06-12-2020 - 00:20
  Re: Berryessa & BART Jornalero del muro fronterizo 06-12-2020 - 05:39
  Re: Berryessa & BART x 06-12-2020 - 08:56
  Re: Berryessa & BART Ivy Mike 06-12-2020 - 09:35
  Re: Berryessa & BART david vartanoff 06-12-2020 - 19:45
  Duplicating? Ivy Mike 06-14-2020 - 13:42
  Re: Duplicating? Dr Zarkoff 06-14-2020 - 18:40

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