Re: Paso Robles, 1960
Author: Alf Doten
Date: 12-18-2020 - 05:02

Memories of Livermore about the same year. A westbound fumbled his orders reaching for the stick. They fell to the street and blew up the track some distance. The operator had to jump into his pickup and drive several blocks through private property and back allies to reach the head end when it finally came to a stop.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Paso Robles, 1960 === 12-17-2020 - 08:59
  Re: Paso Robles, 1960 RW 12-17-2020 - 20:18
  Re: Paso Robles, 1960 J 12-18-2020 - 04:43
  Re: Paso Robles, 1960 Alf Doten 12-18-2020 - 05:02
  Re: Paso Robles, 1960 J 12-18-2020 - 11:44
  Re: Paso Robles, 1960 Nudge 12-21-2020 - 15:34
  Re: Paso Robles, 1960 agentatascadero 12-21-2020 - 18:32

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