Re: New steam running around
Author: P.Kepler
Date: 01-16-2009 - 08:48

Interesting that you would bring up beer, That was the basis of their funding drive. They asked people to pledge a "Pint a week" toward the effort. (About $2.50 a pint)

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  New steam running around P.Kepler 01-14-2009 - 07:56
  Re: New steam running around Sparks 01-14-2009 - 08:38
  Re: New steam running around synonymouse 01-14-2009 - 09:51
  Re: New steam running around Rich Hunn 01-14-2009 - 13:37
  Re: New steam running around J. Worthington Foulfellow 01-14-2009 - 17:02
  Re: New steam running around Neville Chamberlain 01-14-2009 - 17:57
  Re: New steam running around Rich Hunn 01-14-2009 - 19:23
  Re: New steam running around Tom McCann 01-14-2009 - 20:26
  Re: New steam running around synonymouse 01-14-2009 - 20:39
  Re: New steam running around P.Kepler 01-14-2009 - 21:44
  Re: New steam running around synonymouse 01-15-2009 - 00:04
  Re: New steam running around Tom Moungovan 01-15-2009 - 07:11
  Re: New steam running around Espee99 01-15-2009 - 12:01
  Re: New steam running around Rich Hunn 01-15-2009 - 14:06
  Re: New steam running around douglasm 01-15-2009 - 16:32
  Re: New steam running around P.Kepler 01-15-2009 - 18:10
  Re: New steam running around synonymouse 01-15-2009 - 19:10
  Re: New steam running around P.Kepler 01-15-2009 - 20:46
  Re: New steam running around synonymouse 01-15-2009 - 21:53
  Re: New steam running around P.Kepler 01-15-2009 - 22:26
  Re: New steam running around douglasm 01-16-2009 - 04:08
  Re: New steam running around Rich Hunn 01-16-2009 - 08:11
  Re: New steam running around P.Kepler 01-16-2009 - 08:48
  Re: New steam running around douglasm 01-16-2009 - 14:59
  Re: New steam running around The Outhouse ( Loo ) Poet 01-18-2009 - 13:08

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