He posts articles, WHAT DO YOU CONTRIBUTE!!!!
Author: just3751
Date: 03-14-2021 - 13:36

Rudi Tootie Fresh adn Fruity, all you do is troll and cry. You add nothing. NOTHING!!!

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Del Mar bluffs tracks synonymouse 03-14-2021 - 12:48
  opinion/column-herculean-task-moving-train-tracks-off-del-mar-bluffs ACTUAL TITLE YAWN 03-14-2021 - 12:58
  Re: opinion/column-herculean-task-moving-train-tracks-off-del-mar-bluffs Rudi Toot Toot 03-14-2021 - 13:02
  He posts articles, WHAT DO YOU CONTRIBUTE!!!! just3751 03-14-2021 - 13:36
  Re: He posts articles, WHAT DO YOU CONTRIBUTE!!!! Rudi Toot Toot 03-14-2021 - 14:24
  Re: An example of failing to meet our "needs", while we piss billions away on "speeds"..... BOB2 03-15-2021 - 10:28

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