NO SENSE "analyzed"
Author: 5150ist
Date: 04-25-2021 - 11:34

That's not the only "quewtionable" thing about your post!

wxvew Wrote:
> Roaring Camp is just one option being analyzed by
> local agency that owns the ROW. Roaring Camp is
> not a preferred option by the locals - and there
> is absolutely no freight north of Watsonville - if
> there is even a business case for Watsonvile is
> quewtionable.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Watsonville CA Update STB 04-25-2021 - 01:25
  Re: Watsonville CA Update Ding Dong Trail Now Is Dead 04-25-2021 - 08:42
  Re: Watsonville CA Update - FAKE NEWS TED 04-25-2021 - 09:18
  Re: Watsonville CA Update - Makes sense Ivy Mike 04-25-2021 - 10:53
  Re: Watsonville CA Update NO SENSE wxvew 04-25-2021 - 11:16
  NO SENSE "analyzed" 5150ist 04-25-2021 - 11:34
  Re: Watsonville CA Update NO SENSE Ivy Mike 04-25-2021 - 11:40
  Re: Watsonville CA Update NO SENSE Barry Scott 05-01-2021 - 08:48
  Re: Watsonville CA Update Staff 04-25-2021 - 12:28
  Re: Watsonville CA Update Cody 04-26-2021 - 20:24
  Re: Watsonville CA Update Engine House 04-26-2021 - 21:28
  Re: Watsonville CA Update Mark. D 04-26-2021 - 23:17
  Re: Watsonville CA Update Bridge Inspector 04-27-2021 - 05:42
  Re: Watsonville CA Update Not Approved C7 04-25-2021 - 14:23

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