Late succession forest stands
Author: CDF'd
Date: 11-24-2021 - 22:08

During his election campaign, Gov. Gray Davis promised to save all of California's old growth trees "from the lumberman's ax."

Although his spokesman now says that Davis was referring only to the Headwaters Forest, many of his constituents still expect their new governor and the CDF -- with its new director and several new Board of Forestry members appointed by Davis -- to make good on that promise.

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Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Skunk in Fort Bragg Nice move 11-24-2021 - 21:20
  Late succession forest stands CDF'd 11-24-2021 - 22:08
  Re: Late succession forest stands That Guy 11-25-2021 - 17:25
  Re: Skunk in Fort Bragg Mike Davis 11-24-2021 - 22:41
  Re: Skunk in Fort Bragg Tony Cz 11-25-2021 - 09:25
  Re: Skunk in Fort Bragg An Observer 11-25-2021 - 10:08
  Re: Skunk in Fort Bragg Hammerhead 11-25-2021 - 10:08
  Re: Skunk in Fort Bragg Alf Doten 11-25-2021 - 12:21
  Re: Skunk in Fort Bragg Jeff Moore 11-25-2021 - 14:37
  Re: Skunk in Fort Bragg Dick Zellerbach 11-25-2021 - 14:42
  So after 19 years of footdragging, the city commies are mad Skunk moved forward Pepe LePew 11-25-2021 - 16:36
  Re: Skunk in Fort Bragg John 11-25-2021 - 16:40
  Re: Skunk in Fort Bragg Tom H 11-25-2021 - 20:26
  Re: Skunk in Fort Bragg Alf Doten 11-26-2021 - 10:14
  Re: Skunk in Fort Bragg Tony CZ 11-26-2021 - 10:42
  Too cold for a resort unless marketed to the flannel types tree 11-26-2021 - 20:33

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