Re: Daylight coach on the move
Author: JDLX
Date: 12-01-2021 - 07:06

Car was trucked from Willits to LA in 2008, where it’s been in storage since. Friends of 4449 bought it some months ago, it is now headed to the Albany & Eastern as reported on TO.

Jeff Moore
Elko, NV

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Daylight coach on the move Plagiarist 11-30-2021 - 20:17
  Re: Daylight coach on the move instantaneously and catastrophically 11-30-2021 - 20:57
  Re: Daylight coach on the move abcdef 11-30-2021 - 22:46
  Finally preserving SP's hurricane prepped cars not plywoodee 12-01-2021 - 15:40
  Re: Daylight coach on the move Virgil Stiff 12-01-2021 - 04:07
  Re: Daylight coach on the move JDLX 12-01-2021 - 07:06
  Re: Daylight coach on the move Info. 12-01-2021 - 14:19
  Re: Daylight coach on the move MJV1988 12-05-2021 - 07:02
  Re: Daylight coach on the move WebDigger 12-05-2021 - 07:58
  Re: Daylight coach on the move MJV1988 12-05-2021 - 19:20

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