Re: Ground-based conductor
Author: safetymanjohn
Date: 05-15-2022 - 11:10

Well, just look at what has happened with all these stupid driverless cars! Are trains next? What has become of common sense? Would one of the corporate genius dudes like to stand in front of anything? I can go along with sensor-aided driving, alright, with a real human driver at the wheel, or at the controls. I'm glad I am no longer out there.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Ground-based conductor : ( 05-13-2022 - 11:18
  Re: Ground-based conductor : ( 05-13-2022 - 11:31
  Re: Ground-based conductor >:D 05-13-2022 - 14:04
  Re: Ground-based conductor :*( 05-13-2022 - 14:35
  Re: Ground-based conductor 05-13-2022 - 15:55
  Re: Ground-based conductor Steamer 05-13-2022 - 17:56
  Re: Ground-based conductor >:D 05-13-2022 - 18:17
  Re: Ground-based conductor Okay 05-14-2022 - 06:39
  Re: Ground-based conductor Dan 05-14-2022 - 19:08
  Re: Ground-based conductor Okay 05-15-2022 - 06:59
  Re: Ground-based conductor safetymanjohn 05-15-2022 - 11:10
  Re: Ground-based conductor Okay 05-16-2022 - 06:56
  Re: Ground-based conductor Dokey 05-16-2022 - 08:58
  Re: Ground-based conductor safetymanjohn 05-19-2022 - 11:10
  Ground conductors would go home after shift, not to a hotel. Scheduled like yard jobs Ground chuck 05-16-2022 - 11:12

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