Re: Ground-based conductor
Author: Okay
Date: 05-16-2022 - 06:56

Ever heard of autopilot? That's in three dimensions and has worked for years.

Regardless, we're glad you're not out there either--just keep dreaming up @#$%&.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Ground-based conductor : ( 05-13-2022 - 11:18
  Re: Ground-based conductor : ( 05-13-2022 - 11:31
  Re: Ground-based conductor >:D 05-13-2022 - 14:04
  Re: Ground-based conductor :*( 05-13-2022 - 14:35
  Re: Ground-based conductor 05-13-2022 - 15:55
  Re: Ground-based conductor Steamer 05-13-2022 - 17:56
  Re: Ground-based conductor >:D 05-13-2022 - 18:17
  Re: Ground-based conductor Okay 05-14-2022 - 06:39
  Re: Ground-based conductor Dan 05-14-2022 - 19:08
  Re: Ground-based conductor Okay 05-15-2022 - 06:59
  Re: Ground-based conductor safetymanjohn 05-15-2022 - 11:10
  Re: Ground-based conductor Okay 05-16-2022 - 06:56
  Re: Ground-based conductor Dokey 05-16-2022 - 08:58
  Re: Ground-based conductor safetymanjohn 05-19-2022 - 11:10
  Ground conductors would go home after shift, not to a hotel. Scheduled like yard jobs Ground chuck 05-16-2022 - 11:12

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