Fillmore and the train
Author: El gringo
Date: 06-05-2022 - 09:32

Read in trains that the city is giving the railroad the heave ho. I exchanged emails with the mayor of Fillmore who stated the city was going to send out a news release with their version of events…..maybe this week?

Bob2 you’ve been very quiet as of late.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Fillmore and the train El gringo 06-05-2022 - 09:32
  Re: Fillmore and the train-I'll add it to the to do list, right after I finish this beer.... BOB2 06-05-2022 - 11:13
  Re: Fillmore and the train-I'll add it to the to do list, right after I finish this beer.... Fillmore Jose 06-05-2022 - 11:41
  Re: Fillmore and the train-I'll add it to the to do list, right after I finish this beer.... El Gringo 06-05-2022 - 14:14
  Re: Fillmore and the train-New Name Sand Dome 06-05-2022 - 22:55

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