Re: Fillmore and the train-I'll add it to the to do list, right after I finish this beer....
Author: Fillmore Jose
Date: 06-05-2022 - 11:41

BOB2 Wrote:
> Don't know what beef there may be with with the City, or over what. RR's and cities in general have lots of kinds of beefs in my experience.

The people who live in the big apartment or condo development on the north side of the Fillmore storage yard probably want the trains gone because, in their view, they're eyesores and force people to walk around the rail yard. If the rail yard wasn't there, people could walk directly from Point A to Point B instead of having to walk around it.

A lot of people don't like trains in urban settings. They like trails and greenspace instead.

All the yuppie NIMBYs in Durango would like to get rid of the D&SNGRR if they could wave a magic want and make it happen.


Look at all the opposition there was to the Napa Valley Wine Train.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Fillmore and the train El gringo 06-05-2022 - 09:32
  Re: Fillmore and the train-I'll add it to the to do list, right after I finish this beer.... BOB2 06-05-2022 - 11:13
  Re: Fillmore and the train-I'll add it to the to do list, right after I finish this beer.... Fillmore Jose 06-05-2022 - 11:41
  Re: Fillmore and the train-I'll add it to the to do list, right after I finish this beer.... El Gringo 06-05-2022 - 14:14
  Re: Fillmore and the train-New Name Sand Dome 06-05-2022 - 22:55

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