Re: Death Valley name change? Have you ever met German tourist's?
Author: To Death Valley Kelly
Date: 08-07-2022 - 08:09

> More reliable, say search and rescue professionals, are a good map, a compass and,
> in case of trouble, plenty of water. And for those venturing off-road,
> they strongly advise carrying personal locator beacons or similar devices
> that send a signal via satellite, advising others of your location and
> notifying authorities if you need help.
> "Had any of these poor souls had them – the Germans or Sanchez –
> tragedy could have been averted," said Mahood, the search and rescue volunteer.

How about an old fashioned CB Radio? (Yes they are still used today)
They don't rely on satellites or cell or radio towers

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  SinCity HSR n 08-04-2022 - 11:22
  Re: SinCity HSR Superliner 08-04-2022 - 11:28
  Why? Because our government-media complex rewards liars Taxpayer4 08-04-2022 - 11:59
  Re: SinCity HSR handouts anybody 08-04-2022 - 13:35
  Vegas Flash Flooding. s 08-05-2022 - 22:35
  Re: Vegas Flash Flooding.--- Yes Mouse Real Adults Will Have to Do That,..... BOB2 08-06-2022 - 08:25
  Re: Vegas Flash Flooding.--- Yes Mouse Real Adults Will Have to Do That,..... FUD 08-06-2022 - 09:38
  In the meantime......Flash floods strand 1,000 people in California's Death Valley National Park Old King Coal 08-06-2022 - 11:13
  Death Valley name change whoo 08-06-2022 - 11:25
  Re: Death Valley name change? Have you ever met German tourist's? BOB2 08-06-2022 - 12:08
  Re: Death Valley name change? Have you ever met German tourist's? Death Valley Kelly 08-06-2022 - 17:53
  Re: Death Valley name change? Have you ever met German tourist's? Old King Coal 08-06-2022 - 18:20
  Re: Death Valley name change? Have you ever met German tourist's? Death Valley Kelly 08-06-2022 - 18:40
  Re: Death Valley name change? Have you ever met German tourist's? To Death Valley Kelly 08-07-2022 - 08:09
  Old Vegas yard was higher than downtown Old King Coal 08-06-2022 - 08:51
  Re: Will this be the year the LV-LA high-speed train leaves the station? Actual title... And "BS" arguments? BOB2 08-04-2022 - 15:31
  Re: Will this be the year the LV-LA high-speed train leaves the station? Actual title... And "BS" arguments? JOhn 08-05-2022 - 14:24
  The billions it would cost for HSR to vegas $$$ CHACHING $$$ 08-05-2022 - 16:49
  Re: Meanwhile, for rail folks who want to know and see something about Brightline ... BOB2 08-05-2022 - 18:31
  Re: Will this be the year the LV-LA high-speed train leaves the station? Actual title... And "BS" arguments? Bob Breachman 08-05-2022 - 19:06
  Re: John wasn't making a case for rail truck substitution. He was noting the truck volumes. BOB2 08-05-2022 - 20:38
  Still peddling the intermodal doesn't work in short haul myth SC says u r wrong 08-06-2022 - 20:25
  Myth? Fact or Fiction? It's easy.... Show Me the Numbers that matter to making a profit? BOB2 08-07-2022 - 03:32
  Re: Myth? Fact or Fiction? It's easy.... Show Me the Numbers that matter to making a profit? FUD 08-07-2022 - 09:29
  Why do NS,CSX,UP,BNSF,CN keep running short haul intermodal if it isn't profitable? & adding new lanes? 08-07-2022 - 14:34
  Re: Why do UP???? Interesting arguments... But there used to be a lot more short distance tofc with regulation and competition than today... BOB2 08-07-2022 - 15:51
  If Amtrak can run 3 trains to San Luis Obispo then they can run one to Vegas !!!!!! 08-05-2022 - 17:02

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