Re: Engineer jumps from moving train after attack by knife crazy (the story the Antifa Yardmaster derides as "train crime porn")
Author: Rip V. Winkle, Esq.
Date: 09-22-2022 - 10:02

Car 54 belonged to Officer 66--who knew?

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Engineer jumps from moving train after attack by knife crazy (the story the Antifa Yardmaster derides as "train crime porn") Why censor rail news? 09-21-2022 - 12:31
  Re: Engineer jumps from moving train after attack by knife crazy (the story the Antifa Yardmaster derides as "train crime porn") Rip V. Winkle, Esq. 09-21-2022 - 14:28
  Re: Engineer jumps from moving train after attack by knife crazy (the story the Antifa Yardmaster derides as "train crime porn") Oswald LaPierre, NRA spokesman 09-22-2022 - 07:48
  Re: Engineer jumps from moving train after attack by knife crazy (the story the Antifa Yardmaster derides as "train crime porn") Seniors on Patrol 09-22-2022 - 08:52
  Re: Engineer jumps from moving train after attack by knife crazy (the story the Antifa Yardmaster derides as "train crime porn") Rip V. Winkle, Esq. 09-22-2022 - 10:02

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