Re: Old nuclear reactor cores ride the rails.
Ub Iwerks Wrote:
> Trigger, how bleak was your puberty?
I'm only eight-years-old. I'm pre-pubescent. And why are you so interested in my puberty? Also, you're pivoting. The topic was about a nuclear waste shipment by rail and whether or not a
Biden-appointed dress-and-lipstick wearing gay male named
Sam Brinton, working for the DOE, was part of the decision-making process in where that shipment was destined.
In the future, please don't stray so far off-topic. I also think you're a little bit weird with your deep interest in other people's puberty. Maybe you and Mr. Brinton should hook up. If you're into "puppy play", that will probably score points with him. Wear some lipstick and a dress, too.