Re: Re:
Author: Ub Iwerks
Date: 10-19-2022 - 09:28

Glen or Glenda Wrote:
> I see Trigger went for the nuclear option with
> those links.
> Can we get back to trains?
> Is Yucca Mountain going ever going to be a storage
> place for waste or not?
> Yours truly
> Glenda (he/she/they/them/him/their/was/)
> Trigger Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Ub Iwerks Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > And as usual you are in denial.
> >
> > If you're willing to foot the bill, I'll submit
> to
> > whatever medical treatment my doctor advises.
> Now
> > it's time for you to put your money where your
> > mouth is. And there's always the possibility
> that
> > my doctor may not be willing to prescribe the
> same
> > treatment that you think is appropriate. His
> > medical degree is probably more impressive than
> > yours.
> >
> >
> []
> >
> /274149501_5078591285530773_5514365644028797813_n.
> >
> jpg?_nc_cat=110&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=03j
> >
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> >
> nt-lax3-1.xx&oh=00_AT8HuhOW8fOKXMtckIQTaORrxs5Yqio
> > 2z2QqNEjL0Z7jtA&oe=63553DB1
> >
> >
> []
> >
> /274150210_5078591365530765_4463712138724087780_n.
> >
> jpg?_nc_cat=102&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=n6L
> >
> Muczf2JIAX-xAffm&_nc_ht=scontent-lax3-1.xx&oh=00_A
> >
> T_-6ND4TzQKbTSrunVbvUgYqIDTte0vYhqfL722UU49wg&oe=6
> > 353DB29
> >
> >
> []
> >
> /274137165_5078591398864095_2142019853762147427_n.
> >
> jpg?_nc_cat=109&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=yPM
> >
> J14OzYh4AX-ZjgSX&tn=t_gexWm8SKrNlQcX&_nc_ht=sconte
> >
> nt-lax3-1.xx&oh=00_AT91B9ffOZyLZaYwn9BV4siQ-85lMrs
> > E_6p0_IGk8Yr4kw&oe=635464A8
> >
> >
> []
> >
> /274142211_5078591258864109_5970426328228165566_n.
> >
> jpg?_nc_cat=109&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=H1M
> >
> OFUZPfBsAX_GUAOs&_nc_ht=scontent-lax3-1.xx&oh=00_A
> >
> T9F6cDrYFo2YU5lMU75uqWzwtN23k-Cg-m487T-EFXJUA&oe=6
> > 353EB2D
> >
> >
> []
> >
> /274070847_5078591468864088_227434038738604102_n.j
> >
> pg?_nc_cat=102&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=9Qk0
> >
> dyF6aMwAX8PgwTg&_nc_ht=scontent-lax3-1.xx&oh=00_AT
> >
> 9zDCN6WLOc8oE47wjrsZcxzrDxewjaxqYbkUjDxSPrDA&oe=63
> > 53E516

Trains are NOT part of Trigger's agenda. Trigger was sent here to wreck things. He/she refuses to seek psychiatric help which is desperately needed.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Old nuclear reactor cores ride the rails. Oddity 10-17-2022 - 22:37
  Re: Old nuclear reactor cores ride the rails. Trigger 10-18-2022 - 01:13
  Re: Old nuclear reactor cores ride the rails. Ub Iwerks 10-18-2022 - 01:31
  Re: Old nuclear reactor cores ride the rails. Trigger 10-18-2022 - 02:04
  Re: Nancy is working the night shift again....? BOB2 10-18-2022 - 06:03
  Re: Nancy is working the night shift again....? Nancy Reagan 10-18-2022 - 07:20
  No! PATCO Ronnies wife! Not you, BOB3 10-18-2022 - 08:55
  Re: Oh Nancy, it's heartbreaking to see you like this.... BOB2 10-18-2022 - 11:18
  The trolls never sleep. Wow. Oddity 10-18-2022 - 12:11
  PSA: circadian disruption * 10-18-2022 - 12:33
  Re: Old nuclear reactor cores ride the rails. Ub Iwerks 10-18-2022 - 13:00
  Re: Trigger 10-18-2022 - 19:18
  Re: Re: Fap free till 23 10-18-2022 - 19:55
  Re: Re: Ub Iwerks 10-18-2022 - 20:09
  Re: Re: Trigger 10-18-2022 - 20:49
  Re: Re: Ub Iwerks 10-18-2022 - 21:05
  Re: Re: Trigger 10-18-2022 - 21:31
  Re: Re: Triggerbaiter 10-18-2022 - 22:16
  Re: Re: Glen or Glenda 10-18-2022 - 22:49
  Re: Re: Nancy is working the night shift again, yeah Yucca Moutain is more interesting... BOB2 10-19-2022 - 00:50
  Re: Re: Ub Iwerks 10-19-2022 - 09:28
  Re: Re: Trigger 10-19-2022 - 14:33
  Re: Re: Emmma M'Gaga 10-19-2022 - 18:36
  Re: Re: Ub Iwerks 10-19-2022 - 20:07
  Re: Re: Benny Hill 10-19-2022 - 18:11
  Re: Re: Paul Joseph Watson 10-19-2022 - 18:35
  Re: Re:Nancy is why I recommend Johnson and Johnson as a buy recommendation over Berkshire Hathaway.... BOB2 10-19-2022 - 18:35
  Re: Old nuclear reactor cores ride the rails. Dr Zarkoff 10-18-2022 - 14:47

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