Re: SinCity skepticism-The Evil Capitalist Trains are Just as Bad!
Author: BOB2
Date: 11-28-2022 - 04:50

This is another one who hates the evil trains, because they will not save the planet, or reduce congestion levels on the I-15? Nope.... Future growth and demand will just have an alternative to driving or air, like in lot's of places in the world.

What is funny, is that this is a supposedly a pro "capitalist" follower of Ayn Randian views. But, when it comes to these insidious evil trains, even the free market capitalist's at Brightline, offering even a private sector alternative, are part of the vast evil rail plot...

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  SinCity skepticism r 11-22-2022 - 10:56
  Re: SinCity skepticism Garbage 11-22-2022 - 13:55
  Re: SinCity skepticism Jasper 11-23-2022 - 11:26
  Re: SinCity skepticism-The Evil Capitalist Trains are Just as Bad! BOB2 11-28-2022 - 04:50

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