Meanwhile in weather related train news.....
Author: BOB2
Date: 03-16-2023 - 10:30

The slide in San Clemente got a bit worse with all of this rain...

The tracks seem to have held up well, but not the houses above the tracks...

KTLA 5 story on San Clemente cliff collapses over LOSSAN

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Meanwhile in weather related train news..... BOB2 03-16-2023 - 10:30
  Re: Meanwhile in weather related train news..... * 03-16-2023 - 12:01
  Re: Meanwhile in weather related train news..... FUD 03-16-2023 - 13:55
  Re: Meanwhile in weather related train news..... Steamfan 03-17-2023 - 08:43
  Re: Meanwhile in weather related train news..... BOBERT2 03-17-2023 - 12:38

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