Re: Meanwhile in weather related train news.....
Author: FUD
Date: 03-16-2023 - 13:55

BOB2 Wrote:
> The slide in San Clemente got a bit worse with all
> of this rain...
> The tracks seem to have held up well, but not the
> houses above the tracks...
> KTLA 5 story on San Clemente cliff collapses over

Yep. North-central part of town. Cliff erosion probably not due to wave erosion or things done by the railroad, but we know who will have to pay for the fix (deep pockets) because the property owners don't have landslide insurance (if such a thing is even available).

Not the first landslide in Orange County, some others have been inland, and it won't be the last.

Map of the area

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Meanwhile in weather related train news..... BOB2 03-16-2023 - 10:30
  Re: Meanwhile in weather related train news..... * 03-16-2023 - 12:01
  Re: Meanwhile in weather related train news..... FUD 03-16-2023 - 13:55
  Re: Meanwhile in weather related train news..... Steamfan 03-17-2023 - 08:43
  Re: Meanwhile in weather related train news..... BOBERT2 03-17-2023 - 12:38

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