Re: Meahwhile for those on AP who actually like trains, and want to take a free train rides....
Author: Tony
Date: 05-25-2023 - 07:22
BOB2 Wrote:
> For those folks who come to AP because you
> actually like trains...
> The LACMTA's Regional Connector connecting the
> Gold Line to Expo and Long Beach is "finally"
> done, and will actually open June 16, with free
> rides on the system all weekend.... Free rides on
> the old ATSF 2nd District, and on the original Los
> Angeles and Independence Railway to Santa
> Monica...
> Expect a very welcomed increase in security and
> "real" police and sheriff's on the trains, though.
> As the loonier left wing fringe of the so-called
> "transit advocates" are all on Twitter this week,
> whining, ranting, and otherwise complaining about
> the police actually being on the trains over last
> the week, checking fares and making it
> uncomforatable for criminals...
> Railway Age on the opening of the Regional LRT
> Connector in LA...
> KTLA Story on Regional Connector Opening Date
Come and ride and get stabbed.