Re: How bad has the Port traffic got?
Author: Captain Morgan
Date: 05-23-2023 - 20:28

I can't speak for POLA / POLB, but Port of Seattle & Port of Tacoma are currently only open for Import receiving & Export Shipping Monday thru Thursday. Some terminals have even been closed on Mondays as well, all of which leads to MASSIVE back-ups at the ingates, and out onto the streets especially at Tacoma Husky & WUT.
It seems the steamship lines are wary of using U.S. West Coast ports as long as they do not have a valid, current contract with the West Coast Longshore. If the ILWU were to go on strike, the fear is that ships could be stuck in port.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  How bad has the Port traffic got? John 05-23-2023 - 18:34
  Re: How bad has the Port traffic got? Captain Morgan 05-23-2023 - 20:28
  Re: How bad has the Port traffic got? Bruce Kelly 05-24-2023 - 06:28

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