Re: How bad has the Port traffic got?
Author: Bruce Kelly
Date: 05-24-2023 - 06:28


For those who lack a 15-minute attention span, just jump to the 9:00 mark. The chart there only shows U.S. container import volume as of March (this video was posted three weeks ago), but it gives a clear picture of how low this year's volume has been thus far compared to 2019 and 2020.

The rest of the video supports what I've been seeing elsewhere in terms of traffic decline, reduced consumer spending, and what one exec in the trucking industry famously referred to as a "freight recession."

For a more current, rail-specific picture, go here:

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  How bad has the Port traffic got? John 05-23-2023 - 18:34
  Re: How bad has the Port traffic got? Captain Morgan 05-23-2023 - 20:28
  Re: How bad has the Port traffic got? Bruce Kelly 05-24-2023 - 06:28

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