Re: Killing the cable cars "To every complex problem, there is always a simple solution...."
Author: BOB2
Date: 09-15-2023 - 10:26

Re: Killing the cable cars
Author: Nob Hill
Date: 09-15-2023 - 09:19

CATO knows the price of everything and the value of nothing. Why doesn’t CATO put a dollar estimate on the tourism the cars help to bring to the city?

LMAO... Funny article... About what I'd expect from a college sophmore, who's just read Ayn Rand, and thinks that they now know how to run a railroad.... After all, this is the Cato Institute...

That sort of "real world" complex multivariate iterative analysis would require way too much math... And a real understanding of the interrelationships of economic activities we actually observe in "real" complex dynamic multivariate iterative economies and that we actually experience, with so many of those "pesky" feedback loops, and various indirect effects. In the simplistic world of the "idealistic" "true believer" (pick a fringe...any fringe...) that is just way too much real "work" to do...

This level of complex iterative math is usually well beyond the very limited Econ 101 level analytical skill set usually demonstrated by the various simplistic ideologue's who are "out there" on both of the simplistic populist ideological fringes, right or left... And that kind of "real" world analysis would not meet the needs of the simplistic narratives that these ideologue's are trying to sell to the simple minded...

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Killing the cable cars b 09-15-2023 - 09:05
  Re: Killing the cable cars Nob Hill 09-15-2023 - 09:19
  Re: Killing the cable cars "To every complex problem, there is always a simple solution...." BOB2 09-15-2023 - 10:26
  Re: Killing the cable cars "To every complex problem, there is always a simple solution...." BOBTHESLOB 09-15-2023 - 18:27
  Re: Killing the cable cars sure trigger a troll.... BOB2 09-15-2023 - 18:48
  Re: Killing the cable cars "To every complex problem, there is always a simple solution...." Plato 09-16-2023 - 12:36
  Re: Killing the cable cars FUD 09-15-2023 - 13:55
  Re: Killing the cable cars Sgt. Joe Friday 09-15-2023 - 15:12
  Re: Killing the cable cars FUD 09-15-2023 - 21:34
  Re: Killing the cable cars Guest 09-16-2023 - 09:37

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