Re: Nope, that post was from the real BOB2... It contained real rail content and real criticisms of the "runaway money train" at CAHSRA....
Author: BOB2
Date: 11-10-2023 - 01:35

El Trolio Wrote:
> More crapola from the (fake)BOB2.

Waste is waste and that post is from the real BOB2...

My criticisms of the CAHSRA fiasco go back to the first meetings I attended back in the mid nineties watching Mehdi Morshed and his band of incompetent self serving consultants plan this taxpayer financed gold plated "runaway money train"...

The CAHSRA was planned on a pile of lies and still is, it is "gubmint" "of, by, and for the contractors...", to paraphrase Abraham Lincoln, to design a costly bloated gold plated "cost is no object" high speed rail project that meets few of CA's real "observed" travel needs/demands, or that can cost effectively and efficiently serve most of CA's real rail travel opportunities.

You can tell it is the real BOB2, because it is rail content, just not content that is cheerleading the glaring stupidity and waste that has been, and still is, the "essence" of and "inspiration" for the CAHSRA's incompetent gold plated misplanned and mismanaged taxpayer fiasco.

Sorry that I have to burst your bubble, but I tend to pretty much piss off both fringes when it comes to BS like this CAHSR fiasco or of some of these useless idiots in Congress who have proposed these Amtrak cuts...

The actual RR content is why most folks know it's not the sick mentally ill troll posing as BOB2....

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  This Year's Trainfest - A short video Commenter 11-08-2023 - 13:56
  Re: This Year's Trainfest - A short video--- LMAO? BOB2 11-09-2023 - 08:45
  Re: This Year's Trainfest - A short video--- LMAO? El Trolio 11-09-2023 - 19:54
  Re: This Year's Trainfest - A short video--- LMAO? El Trolio 11-09-2023 - 22:31
  Re: Nope, that post was from the real BOB2... It contained real rail content and real criticisms of the "runaway money train" at CAHSRA.... BOB2 11-10-2023 - 01:35
  Re: Nope, that post was from the real BOB2... It contained real rail content and the "runaway money train" at CAHSRA...that I supported. 2008 called 11-10-2023 - 08:33
  Re: Nope, that post was from the real BOB2... It contained real rail content and the "runaway money train" at CAHSRA...that I supported. FUD 11-10-2023 - 10:01
  El Trollio and Nancy r the same ill person. & Thanku FUD 4 the copy-n-paste from Liarwannapedia Picture of Pam 11-10-2023 - 13:48

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