Re: Nope, that post was from the real BOB2... It contained real rail content and the "runaway money train" at CAHSRA...that I supported.
Author: 2008 called
Date: 11-10-2023 - 08:33

BOB2 Wrote:
> El Trolio Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > More crapola from the (fake)BOB2.
> Waste is waste and that post is from the real
> BOB2...
> My criticisms of the CAHSRA fiasco go back to the
> first meetings I attended back in the mid nineties
> watching Mehdi Morshed and his band of incompetent
> self serving consultants plan this taxpayer
> financed gold plated "runaway money train"...
> The CAHSRA was planned on a pile of lies and still
> is, it is "gubmint" "of, by, and for the
> contractors...", to paraphrase Abraham Lincoln, to
> design a costly bloated gold plated "cost is no
> object" high speed rail project that meets few of
> CA's real "observed" travel needs/demands, or that
> can cost effectively and efficiently serve most of
> CA's real rail travel opportunities.
> You can tell it is the real BOB2, because it is
> rail content, just not content that is
> cheerleading the glaring stupidity and waste that
> has been, and still is, the "essence" of and
> "inspiration" for the CAHSRA's incompetent gold
> plated misplanned and mismanaged taxpayer fiasco.
> Sorry that I have to burst your bubble, but I tend
> to pretty much piss off both fringes when it comes
> to BS like this CAHSR fiasco or of some of these
> useless idiots in Congress who have proposed these
> Amtrak cuts...
> The actual RR content is why most folks know it's
> not the sick mentally ill troll posing as BOB2....

Voters could pick a choice on the g.o. bond issue in Nov 2008. 52% picked the wrong choice.

You stuck your trained head in the sand.

How come a "troll" like me that likes railroads could figure out to say no to bull general obligation bonds (level 7 no less!) and you could not mister economic transportation swami?

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  This Year's Trainfest - A short video Commenter 11-08-2023 - 13:56
  Re: This Year's Trainfest - A short video--- LMAO? BOB2 11-09-2023 - 08:45
  Re: This Year's Trainfest - A short video--- LMAO? El Trolio 11-09-2023 - 19:54
  Re: This Year's Trainfest - A short video--- LMAO? El Trolio 11-09-2023 - 22:31
  Re: Nope, that post was from the real BOB2... It contained real rail content and real criticisms of the "runaway money train" at CAHSRA.... BOB2 11-10-2023 - 01:35
  Re: Nope, that post was from the real BOB2... It contained real rail content and the "runaway money train" at CAHSRA...that I supported. 2008 called 11-10-2023 - 08:33
  Re: Nope, that post was from the real BOB2... It contained real rail content and the "runaway money train" at CAHSRA...that I supported. FUD 11-10-2023 - 10:01
  El Trollio and Nancy r the same ill person. & Thanku FUD 4 the copy-n-paste from Liarwannapedia Picture of Pam 11-10-2023 - 13:48

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