Re: Is Bieber Still a Crew Change Point?
Author: John Pindell
Date: 11-14-2023 - 05:37

Rocky, the Great Northern Goat Wrote:
> What are the crew districts now? Stockton-Keddie
> and Keddie-K Falls? If so, Bieber must be even
> more dead. Is the station still there?

You are correct on the crew districts. I believe the original depot is gone, but BNSF does have a MOW crew based there.


Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Alcos on the Inside Gateway Just In Bieber 11-13-2023 - 19:36
  Re: Alcos on the Inside Gateway BN Oly 11-13-2023 - 21:10
  "Welcome to Bieber" by Goatboat bn green 11-13-2023 - 23:33
  Re: "Welcome to Bieber" by Goatboat bn green 11-13-2023 - 23:36
  Is Bieber Still a Crew Change Point? Rocky, the Great Northern Goat 11-14-2023 - 01:39
  Re: Is Bieber Still a Crew Change Point? John Pindell 11-14-2023 - 05:37
  Re: Is Bieber Still a Crew Change Point? Mal In Oregon 11-14-2023 - 10:40
  Re: Is Bieber Still a Crew Change Point? Jeff Moore 11-14-2023 - 11:01
  Re: Is Bieber Still a Crew Change Point? Mal In Oregon 11-14-2023 - 11:38

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