Meanwhile, more San Clemente "Freight" Coverage
Author: BOB2
Date: 02-03-2024 - 23:28

San Diego Union Tribune on San Clemente frieght traffic...

MSN feed-San Diego Union Tribune-San Clemente Freight Ops

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Meanwhile, more San Clemente "Freight" Coverage BOB2 02-03-2024 - 23:28
  Re: Meanwhile, more San Clemente "Freight" Coverage FUD 02-04-2024 - 10:02
  Re: Meanwhile, more San Clemente "Freight" Coverage Richter Scale Measurer 02-04-2024 - 13:55
  The governor and legislature can fix this in 2024. Why won't they? Fix it now. Tunnel later. 02-04-2024 - 19:37
  Re: The governor and legislature can fix this in 2024. Why won't they? FUD 02-04-2024 - 19:55
  I do not think the $10 million in the current emergency declaration will fix the problem Fix it now. Tunnel later. 02-04-2024 - 19:57
  Re: Meanwhile, more San Clemente "Freight" Coverage Nervous Nellie 02-04-2024 - 20:54

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