BUGX = Iowa Pacific?
Author: Preservation or hoarding?
Date: 02-09-2024 - 04:38

Here we go again, Dieselmotive bought up all kinds of vintage locomotives over the past year or so with most just thrown into storage. A lucky few were sent to museums for at least some hope of preservation. There seems to be no real plan or means to do anything with the vast majority of locomotives this company has acquired. This is Iowa Pacific all over again.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  BUGX = Iowa Pacific? Preservation or hoarding? 02-09-2024 - 04:38
  Re: BUGX = Iowa Pacific? . 02-09-2024 - 05:45
  Re: BUGX = Iowa Pacific? J.K. Trowling 02-09-2024 - 05:56
  Re: BUGX = Iowa Pacific? Rob knows everything....... 02-09-2024 - 08:04
  Re: BUGX = Iowa Pacific? You can't read? Do you yahoo? 02-09-2024 - 15:23
  Re: BUGX = Iowa Pacific? You can't read? Big fat dead guy in a bathtub 02-09-2024 - 15:55
  Re: BUGX = Iowa Pacific? You can't read? BTDT 02-09-2024 - 16:59
  Re: BUGX = Iowa Pacific? You can't read? Curtis R. Milburn 02-14-2024 - 17:46

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