ADA & Hi-Level Cars
Author: El Gringo
Date: 03-21-2024 - 12:21

We live in an all or nothing world now, regardless of what was acceptable 20,30,40 years ago… so I understand 100% ADA Compliance whether we like it or not.

I personally am happy that they are looking at a new hi-level car, even though the elevator sounds like a mechanical nightmare.

As far the railfan community, NOTHING Amtrak says nor does will ever please them, there’s a little bunch peppered with disgruntled retirees that lay in wait to run every idea and proposal into the ground unless its a return to the 1950’s ATSF Super Chief or NYC Broadway Limited.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Amtrak CEO Responds to Railway Age The Amtrak Professional 03-20-2024 - 11:53
  Re: Amtrak CEO Responds to Railway Age Amateur 03-20-2024 - 12:09
  Re: Amtrak CEO Responds to Railway Age Couch Potato 03-20-2024 - 12:25
  Single level cars would reduce LD ridership because of the inferior views compared to from a Superliner He actually said that 03-20-2024 - 12:35
  Re: Single level cars would reduce LD ridership because of the inferior views compared to from a Superliner gen-x la-z-boy 03-20-2024 - 13:16
  Re: Single level cars would reduce LD ridership because of the inferior views compared to from a Superliner Abandon ship! 03-20-2024 - 14:03
  Re: Single level cars would reduce LD ridership because of the inferior views compared to from a Superliner Sgt. Joe Friday 03-20-2024 - 15:22
  Re: Single level cars would reduce LD ridership because of the inferior views compared to from a Superliner Ross Hall 03-20-2024 - 16:18
  Re: Single level cars would reduce LD ridership because of the inferior views compared to from a Superliner Railbot7 03-20-2024 - 16:29
  WWII Oldyn Days 03-20-2024 - 17:15
  Re: Single level cars would reduce LD ridership because of the inferior views compared to from a Superliner Dmac844 03-21-2024 - 09:17
  Re: Single level cars would reduce LD ridership because of the inferior views compared to from a Superliner get over it 03-21-2024 - 10:50
  ADA & Hi-Level Cars El Gringo 03-21-2024 - 12:21
  Re: Folks asked, so here's my best attempt to anger all fringes.... ADA & Hi-Level Cars Car crash worthiness "cost effectiveness" compared to other "modes"? LOSSAN? BOB2 03-21-2024 - 12:50
  "We can win WW2 & put a man on the moon but we can't build a decent rail car." (panic attacks ensue) Surfliner sans Clemente 03-21-2024 - 19:48
  Also can someone please get CP Morris the cat back on his/her/its meds? "WhY dO u HaTe TrAiNz & PuPpIeS?" 03-21-2024 - 19:53
  Re: Also can someone please get CP Morris the cat back on his/her/its meds? LALA LAND 03-21-2024 - 21:05
  Re: "We can win WW2 & put a man on the moon but we can't build a decent rail car." (panic attacks ensue) Boomer 03-21-2024 - 20:08
  Spoken like a true, clueless neo-Commie young loser with huge school loans working in a coffee shop or an antifa yardmaster 03-22-2024 - 19:51
  Re: Spoken like a true, clueless neo-Commie young loser with huge school loans working in a coffee shop ... 03-22-2024 - 22:44

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