Minor quibble. French night train network is only refurbished couchettes and coaches
Author: not Bidhitter
Date: 03-27-2024 - 14:21

BOB2 Wrote:

> The economics of the revival of the overnight
> sleeper market in Europe is about hotel prices,
> and the services are not the compartment coach
> fold down overnight trains we may have taken on
> our Eurail passes, in our misspent youth... These
> are high end, high quality services, at premium
> prices, which are combining the cost of transport
> with the high costs of business quality hotel
> service in Europe (which are pricey...).

I think the Austrian Nightjet franchise is a step up. (Though they've had trouble with late trains.) And a continental breakfast is included. Toast and jam. Do Euro's not need protein?

But the new and expanding French overnight train network is very basic. Refurbished couchettes for the sleeping cars. 2nd class is 6 beds per room, 1st class is 4 beds. For privacy you can buy all 4 beds at a discounted price. Potty down the hall. Coach cars but 2 by 1 seating. No lounge or dining car. Sparse but affordable compared to travel + hotel. A logical niche filler. I do not know if they are filling trains. The expansion is by Macron decree. So won't be killed quickly if people are slow to use it.


Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Dreamstar's SF-LA night train signs 'collaboration' with Union Pacific Commenter 03-26-2024 - 13:37
  Re: Dreamstar's SF-LA night train signs 'collaboration' with Union Pacific eyebrows raised 03-26-2024 - 13:50
  Re: Dreamstar's SF-LA night train signs 'collaboration' with Union Pacific El Gringo 03-26-2024 - 16:32
  Re: Dreamstar's SF-LA night train signs 'collaboration' with Union Pacific Jaded by anything UP does 03-26-2024 - 16:54
  Re: Dreamstar's SF-LA night train signs 'collaboration' with Union Pacific Just Sayin'... 03-26-2024 - 16:58
  Palo Alto Pests: The 1981 Medfly Invasion Atari 03-26-2024 - 20:31
  Sorry! The post I replied to was removed! Atari 03-27-2024 - 19:56
  Re: Dreamstar's SF-LA night train signs 'collaboration' with Union Pacific david vartanoff 03-26-2024 - 23:11
  Dreamers SF-LA night train jaded 03-27-2024 - 08:19
  Re: Dreamers SF-LA night train? What freight are you talking about on the Coastline? LMAO? BOB2 03-27-2024 - 08:47
  Minor quibble. French night train network is only refurbished couchettes and coaches not Bidhitter 03-27-2024 - 14:21
  Re: Dreamers SF-LA night train? What are you talking about on the Coastline? TRAINS! @BOB2 LOVES TRAINS 03-27-2024 - 17:05
  TRAINS! Yeah, I like trains... At what does this screed have to do with this proposal? BOB2 03-27-2024 - 17:16
  Re: Dreamstar's SF-LA night train signs 'collaboration' with Union Pacific George 03-27-2024 - 00:44
  PipeDreamstar's SF-LA night train signs 'collaboration' (LOL) w/ UP Here we go again.. 03-27-2024 - 09:43
  Re: PipeDreamstar's SF-LA night train signs 'collaboration' (LOL) w/ UP FUD 03-27-2024 - 09:52

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