TRAINS! Yeah, I like trains... At what does this screed have to do with this proposal?
Author: BOB2
Date: 03-27-2024 - 17:16


Does it get all of that anger out? That's what really matters... Poor little thing.... Did I upset you?

> --------------------------------------------"I
> like trains, and
> the benefits which an affordable efficient
> firstworlail passenger rail system could
> provide in California..."
> You too can share the wealth, rail lover!
> "X Rail Entertainment, Inc. made an offer to
> acquire Las Vegas Railway Express, Inc. for $21.4
> million.
> May 22, 2017
> X Rail Entertainment, Inc. (OTCPK:XREE) made an
> offer to acquire Las Vegas Railway Express, Inc.
> (OTCPK:XTRN) for $21.4 million on May 23, 2017.
> Shareholders of Las Vegas Railway Express will
> receive 5.7 million shares of X Rail Entertainment
> in exchange for 100% of its capital stock.
> Shareholders of Las Vegas Railway hold
> approximately 1.7 billion shares which would mean
> each shareholder of XTRN would receive one share
> of XREE common stock for approximately every 300
> shares of XTRN stock they hold. The exchange of
> shares will be managed by Las Vegas Railway
> Express, Inc. The cash amount is capped at
> $100,000 or less to pay for legal and accounting
> fees associated with this transaction and to see
> some legal actions concluded. The closing will
> occur when XREE receives a total of 60% of the
> outstanding XTRN shares on exchange. All shares
> exchanged for XREE shares shall bear a 144
> restrictive legend and all XTRN shareholders will
> be able to exchange their shares within 30 days of
> closing date which is May 31, 2017. In the event
> they opt not to exchange their shares the
> shareholders will remain as shareholders of XTRN
> with current amount of shares. XTRN will continue
> to trade as a public company but will be a
> subsidiary of X Rail Entertainment, Inc. As on May
> 31, 2017, the Board of Directors of Las Vegas
> Railway Express has voted to accept the tender
> offer. Maria Bailey of Success City Online acted
> as the public relations advisor in this
> transaction."
> Never fear the rusty hand throw siding switches!
> 2009 to penny eternity! Green lights on the path
> to vast penny glory!
> This coast proposal can get the bilevel cars from
> penny king shops so they can start their non-union
> service from Drawbridge to Glendale for $499.99
> and a fruit bar/mini h20 bottle for those throngs
> of folks who never heard of Southwest $49/45
> minute travel!
> Viva le pipedream #110 ! May le press release
> games
> commence!

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Dreamstar's SF-LA night train signs 'collaboration' with Union Pacific Commenter 03-26-2024 - 13:37
  Re: Dreamstar's SF-LA night train signs 'collaboration' with Union Pacific eyebrows raised 03-26-2024 - 13:50
  Re: Dreamstar's SF-LA night train signs 'collaboration' with Union Pacific El Gringo 03-26-2024 - 16:32
  Re: Dreamstar's SF-LA night train signs 'collaboration' with Union Pacific Jaded by anything UP does 03-26-2024 - 16:54
  Re: Dreamstar's SF-LA night train signs 'collaboration' with Union Pacific Just Sayin'... 03-26-2024 - 16:58
  Palo Alto Pests: The 1981 Medfly Invasion Atari 03-26-2024 - 20:31
  Sorry! The post I replied to was removed! Atari 03-27-2024 - 19:56
  Re: Dreamstar's SF-LA night train signs 'collaboration' with Union Pacific david vartanoff 03-26-2024 - 23:11
  Dreamers SF-LA night train jaded 03-27-2024 - 08:19
  Re: Dreamers SF-LA night train? What freight are you talking about on the Coastline? LMAO? BOB2 03-27-2024 - 08:47
  Minor quibble. French night train network is only refurbished couchettes and coaches not Bidhitter 03-27-2024 - 14:21
  Re: Dreamers SF-LA night train? What are you talking about on the Coastline? TRAINS! @BOB2 LOVES TRAINS 03-27-2024 - 17:05
  TRAINS! Yeah, I like trains... At what does this screed have to do with this proposal? BOB2 03-27-2024 - 17:16
  Re: Dreamstar's SF-LA night train signs 'collaboration' with Union Pacific George 03-27-2024 - 00:44
  PipeDreamstar's SF-LA night train signs 'collaboration' (LOL) w/ UP Here we go again.. 03-27-2024 - 09:43
  Re: PipeDreamstar's SF-LA night train signs 'collaboration' (LOL) w/ UP FUD 03-27-2024 - 09:52

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