A Bill to Save Bay Area Transit From Fiscal Disaster Is Dead, at Least for Now
Author: Commenter
Date: 05-31-2024 - 13:33

"An ambitious proposal for a regional tax seen as crucial to the long-term survival of Bay Area public transit agencies is dead, the casualty of a dispute over the scope of the measure and who would control the billions of dollars it would raise."


Trying to get anything done with 27 different transit agencies is worse than herding cats.

Better luck next year.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  A Bill to Save Bay Area Transit From Fiscal Disaster Is Dead, at Least for Now Commenter 05-31-2024 - 13:33
  Oh noes! Someone may have to live within their means! Rigged 05-31-2024 - 16:06
  Re: Oh noes! Someone may have to live within their means! david vartanoff 06-01-2024 - 11:16
  Re: Oh noes! Someone may have to live within their means! Marty 06-01-2024 - 16:54
  Re: A Bill to Save Bay Area Transit From Fiscal Disaster Is Dead, at Least for Now Clem 05-31-2024 - 22:53

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