Re: Transit operator deals with a nut in a hammock
Author: Callum Out
Date: 06-02-2024 - 18:15

I’ll round up the squad and we’ll get this dirty window issue squashed. Yah we’ll even use some of the Navajo’s water on the SW Chief beings that the’ve got plenty of it! Hell they’ll probably give us passes to ride for life after we’re done! Light ‘em up boys! Now back to business. Someone needs my unsolicited advice on a switch move in Georgia.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Transit operator deals with a nut in a hammock Unreal 05-31-2024 - 22:15
  Re: Transit operator deals with a nut in a hammock Creeping Amtrak 06-01-2024 - 02:39
  Re: Transit operator deals with a nut in a hammock Mr Window 06-01-2024 - 17:19
  Re: Transit operator deals with a nut in a hammock Clem 06-02-2024 - 11:44
  Re: Transit operator deals with a nut in a hammock Callum Out 06-02-2024 - 18:15
  Re: Transit operator deals with a nut in a hammock-I see that the mentally ill sexual predator TOMN was busy posting as Clem.... BOB2 06-03-2024 - 09:57
  Re: Transit operator deals with a nut in a hammock-I see that the mentally ill sexual predator TOMN was busy posting as Clem.... Hot Water 06-03-2024 - 13:18
  ^ ^ ^ Fake name troll is back ^ ^ ^ Hey Admin 06-03-2024 - 13:29
  Re: ^ ^ ^ Fake name troll is back ^ ^ ^ Non-existent Admin 06-05-2024 - 05:34

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