Meanwhile, for those who do really like railroading and trains... Weekly Gold Line photos...
Author: BOB2
Date: 06-01-2024 - 11:27

This weeks Goldline construction update...

With the connection of the Pomona extension at Citrus Station, the rail grinder can do some work to get the new segment in shape ready for Summer testing...

Rail grinder working the new Goldline Pomona extension...

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Meanwhile, for those who do really like railroading and trains... Weekly Gold Line photos... BOB2 06-01-2024 - 11:27
  Re: Meanwhile, for those who do really like railroading and trains... Weekly Gold Line photos... * 06-01-2024 - 12:10
  Re: Meanwhile, for those who do really like railroading and trains... Weekly Gold Line photos... BOB2 06-01-2024 - 12:48
  Re: Meanwhile, for those who do really like railroading and trains... Weekly Gold Line photos... Rail Bull 06-01-2024 - 16:06
  Re: Meanwhile, for those who do really like railroading and trains... Weekly Gold Line photos... BOB2 06-02-2024 - 00:36
  How long until...? Liver Spot 06-02-2024 - 17:04

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