Re: Meanwhile, for those who do really like railroading and trains... Weekly Gold Line photos...
Author: BOB2
Date: 06-02-2024 - 00:36

Rail Bull Wrote:
> How long until TOMN and BOB2 are harassing
> passengers on the subway in their intoxicated
> state?

Hey lookie, you trolled this thread, too....

Speaking of intoxicated states.....?

What's it like to be the sick mentally ill TOMN on a train chat board?

Rail Bull? That's a great new handle....

That Bull part is certainly true...

But, of course, as with all of your troll posts...

No Rail.....

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Meanwhile, for those who do really like railroading and trains... Weekly Gold Line photos... BOB2 06-01-2024 - 11:27
  Re: Meanwhile, for those who do really like railroading and trains... Weekly Gold Line photos... * 06-01-2024 - 12:10
  Re: Meanwhile, for those who do really like railroading and trains... Weekly Gold Line photos... BOB2 06-01-2024 - 12:48
  Re: Meanwhile, for those who do really like railroading and trains... Weekly Gold Line photos... Rail Bull 06-01-2024 - 16:06
  Re: Meanwhile, for those who do really like railroading and trains... Weekly Gold Line photos... BOB2 06-02-2024 - 00:36
  How long until...? Liver Spot 06-02-2024 - 17:04

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