Future I-69 Freeway (Canada to Mexico)
Author: ponderer
Date: 06-02-2024 - 21:17

I'm learning about this. Once completed, the north-south I-69 freeway will run from the Canadian border (near Detroit) to the Mexican border (Laredo, TX).

I wonder if CPKC and BNSF will lose much business to this freeway?

The 2015 map below is out of date. The Wikipedia article seems to have an updated map.


Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Future I-69 Freeway (Canada to Mexico) ponderer 06-02-2024 - 21:17
  Re: Future I-69 Freeway (Canada to Mexico) FUD 06-03-2024 - 09:58
  Re: Future I-69 Freeway (Canada to Mexico) Qu. 06-03-2024 - 21:48
  Re: Future I-69 Freeway (Canada to Mexico) Sgt. Joe Friday 06-04-2024 - 08:39
  Re: Future I-69 Freeway (Canada to Mexico)-I like Ike... I like any paper by the Eno Foundation... Never poor work.... BOB2 06-04-2024 - 09:46
  Re: Future I-69 Freeway (Canada to Mexico)-I like Ike... I like any paper by the Eno Foundation... Never poor work.... FUD 06-04-2024 - 10:56

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