Re: Stan Garner died in 2010??? Your memory is...???
Author: BOB2
Date: 06-07-2024 - 22:10

Question for BOB2 Wrote:
> Didn't Stan and his wife die in a vehicle crash
> back in 2010???
> IIRC Pony Express could not find a buyer (or was
> that the Caritas?)
> I think the 3751 folks ended up with it at
> Redondo.
> My memory is awful!
> Thank you for any information at this time,
> D.G.

Stan's wife was killed, and Stan was severely injured in the crash.

Stan recovered and retired to Payson.

He sold the Pony, and IIRC it's up in Schellville???

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Stan Garner BOB2 06-06-2024 - 17:30
  Re: Stan Garner Bag of Wind 06-07-2024 - 04:04
  Re: Stan Garner GRD 06-07-2024 - 04:55
  Re: Stan Garner SteveL 06-07-2024 - 10:39
  Re: Stan Garner died in 2010??? Question for BOB2 06-07-2024 - 21:12
  Re: Stan Garner died in 2010??? west coast rail fan 06-07-2024 - 22:08
  Re: Stan Garner died in 2010??? Your memory is...??? BOB2 06-07-2024 - 22:10

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