Re: Meanwhile, back to the latest developments on the Del Mar Rail Tunnel alternatives that the real FUD asked....
Author: BOB2
Date: 06-10-2024 - 14:13
Real FUD Wrote:
> In the great scheme of things, I'd like to see the
> direct route used, but understand the NIMBY
> opposition may make that impossible. So the best
> Plan B looks like the I-5 alignmennt. Problem
> there is ... tunneling under the lagoon???!!!
> Granted, bridging it is still a temporary
> solution, and probably has more immediate
> environmental problems (though: if tunneling, is
> it cut & cover?😒)
IIRC, the American High Speed Rail alignment would come up at the Fairgrouds (with even a potential station there), and tie back into the existing ML ROW, approximately where the old "branch" from the mainline was used to spot Del Mar race special and horse cars.
I agree that the tunnel is far too long and should surface with a potential commute/event station and follow the edge of where the Fairground parking lot is to an elevated structure along the old "branch" and tie back in like AHSR proposed in 1980. The longer tunnel looks like more money and more gravy train...
But, as we notice in so many of the more dysfunctional and bloated agency infrastructure projects we seem to see these days, if you tell the AE firms to design more work, in order to "make work", you tend to get more unnecessary and costly "gold plating" for the contractor's feast on....