Re: I see that the mentally ill sexual predator is trolling as FUD....
Author: Clem
Date: 06-10-2024 - 15:40
BOB2 Wrote:
> Re: Meanwhile, the latest developments on the Del
> Mar Rail Tunnel alternatives-Here is a much better
> map
> Author: FUD (Guess who it really is?)
> Date: 06-10-2024 - 11:54
> Why are you gay?
> You are known to be a mentally ill sexual predator
> who posts illegal unsolicited pornography on a
> train chat board to get yourself off...
> You need to get some professional psychiatric help
> for your uncontrolled compulsive need to make
> these thousands of sick inappropriate posts before
> you do any further harm to yourself or others...
You need to log off old man.