Re: Are the leaders of certain trade unions REALLY this stupid? Some are, just like the rest of the humans often can be too...
Author: BOB2
Date: 07-28-2024 - 10:11
Are the leaders of certain trade unions REALLY this stupid?
Author: Union member (purportedly)
Date: 07-28-2024 - 08:27
Are any of the unions that represent railroad craft workers getting involved in the Israeli-Palestinian confict?
A quick way for unions to lose support from the general public would be for them to get involved in this mess.
A quick way for union members to be totally turned off and totally unsupportive of their unions would be when the union is getting involved in such a devisive issue.
This is a stupid move on the part of unions.
* * * * *
As per the report by The Free Press, the “breakout session” was part of a larger gathering of about 300 anti-war activists at the basement of the Teamsters Union’s headquarters on Saturday ...
If you are a umnion member, maybe you might realize that the folks you elected are "humans", and as such, can hold all kinds of views for all kinds of seemingly rational or irrational reasons, depending on your, or their, particular respective perspectives.
I've met two former Presidents of the UTU Charley Luna, and Bryron Boyd persnally. One of them, Charly Luna got the biggest cut in hours and raise in pay through Congress and negotiating with the carriers RR operating crafts had ever seen. The other, was Byron Boyd, who was later convicted on Federal racketeering charges, and was probably one of the final nails in UTU's coffin as it self-destructed. So yeah, union leaders are just like other humans, some good, some bad.
When you vote for anyone to represent you, in any capacity, things like honor, morality, integrity, character, intelligence, wisdom, and values should be carefully considered. The individual temperament of an individual can be an asset or a liability, depending on how all of those measures stack up.
Does that person represent "your" interests in an effective way, or are they pushing their own interests, and are they pursuing their interests, at the expense of "yours"? That is the probably the most important question folks need to ask and answer for themselves when choosing anyone to represent "your" interests.
And, for the naive and uninformed, there has never been any noticeable shortage of just plain randomly distributed "stupid" when it comes things that the upright hairless chimps will burble forth from an unthinking gob, without much prompting at all, be it union "leaders", politicians, or most any human.