Re: Buttigieg is just a politician
Author: Let's get real (reply)
Date: 07-28-2024 - 20:55

Thanks for the info.

I confess I don't follow him. Yeah, makes sense he'd be a VP potential.

As far as our car-based transportation system, I saw this post recently:

Avg car payment is 775 per month

Avg insurance is 225 per month

Avg car maintenance is 70 a month

Avg miles per month is 1k at 25 mpg or 40 gallons per month which equates to about 150

So the AVERAGE car cost per month is 1,220


Numbers may be high, but we burn way too much of our income on cars.

I'm not ready to be carless in the US. But if I moved to Asia I might not own one.

Commenter Wrote:
> Perhaps, but the smartest politician out there.
> There was a poll of Democratic voters asking who
> they would like to be selected as the VP
> candidate. Buttigieg was the hands down winner.
> That doesn't mean he will be the VP candidate
> though, because picking someone that can help win
> a swing state comes into the calculation.
> But a lot of voters were fantasizing about the VP
> debate. If you have ever seen him being grilled by
> members of Congress you know what I mean. :)

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Buttigieg Responds to Opposition Over High Speed Rail, Among Other Things Commenter 07-28-2024 - 17:13
  Re: Buttigieg is just a politician Let's get real 07-28-2024 - 18:22
  Re: Buttigieg is just a politician Commenter 07-28-2024 - 20:22
  Re: Buttigieg is just a politician Let's get real (reply) 07-28-2024 - 20:55
  hahahahaha jajajajaja 07-28-2024 - 22:51
  Re: ja ja ja ja ja Commenter 07-29-2024 - 12:56
  Re: Buttigieg Responds to Opposition Over High Speed Rail, Among Other Things . 07-28-2024 - 22:48
  Re: Buttigieg Responds to Opposition Over High Speed Rail, Among Other Things Just Saying 07-29-2024 - 03:58
  Re: Buttigieg Responds to Opposition Over High Speed Rail, Among Other Things Just Saying, Indeed 07-29-2024 - 06:10
  Re: Buttigieg Responds to Opposition Over High Speed Rail, Among Other Things I beg your pardon 07-29-2024 - 07:29
  Re: High Speed Rail, Among Other Things-So What is going on in Morrocco.... BOB2 07-29-2024 - 07:48
  Re: High Speed Rail, Among Other Things-So What is going on in Morrocco.... FUD 07-29-2024 - 13:25
  Re: So What is going on in Morrocco....? You're wrong on both count FUD... It's actually pretty easy and much more affordable BOB2 07-29-2024 - 14:45
  Re: Buttigieg Responds to Opposition Over High Speed Rail, Among Other Things For Pete's sake 07-29-2024 - 08:16
  "Please leave politics off TO." Of course the next post is Liarwanna doling out politicized spin STFU Liarwanna 07-29-2024 - 15:02
  Re: "Please leave politics off TO." Of course the next post is Liarwanna doling out politicized spin The Real Question 07-29-2024 - 16:22
  Re: "Please leave politics off TO." Of course the next post is Liarwanna doling out politicized spin BOB2 07-29-2024 - 17:28
  Re: WARNING: The mentally ill sexual predator TOMS is catfishing under multiple handles and going on a meth binge with his illegal unsolicited sexually explicit troll posts.... BOB2 07-29-2024 - 19:10
  Re: WARNING: The mentally ill sexual predator TOMS is catfishing under multiple handles and going on a meth binge with his illegal unsolicited sexually explicit troll posts.... AP Ombudsman 07-29-2024 - 19:12
  Re: WARNING: The mentally ill sexual predator TOMS is catfishing under multiple handles and going on a meth binge with his illegal unsolicited sexually explicit troll posts.... BOB2 07-29-2024 - 19:36
  Re: "Please leave politics off TO." Of course the next post is Liarwanna doling out politicized spin BOB2 08-01-2024 - 12:26
  Re: "Please leave politics off TO." Of course the next post is Liarwanna doling out politicized spin BOB2 08-01-2024 - 14:33

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