LOL. Thx 4 letting us know u r not in touch with reality
Author: Roger Rabbit nutcases
Date: 08-31-2024 - 17:24

The car manufacturers pay news organizations to bury any mention of rail as an alternative to keep people reliant on cars.

That is laughably ridiculous. Alex Jones thinks that too unbelievable a conspiracy theory to try and push. Do you really believe that? Wow.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Roger Rudick trashes media traffic coverage for Labor Day that ignores trains FUD 08-31-2024 - 15:07
  Re: Roger Rudick trashes media traffic coverage for Labor Day that ignores trains BNSF1995 08-31-2024 - 16:51
  LOL. Thx 4 letting us know u r not in touch with reality Roger Rabbit nutcases 08-31-2024 - 17:24
  Re: Roger Rudick trashes media traffic coverage for Labor Day that ignores trains Uh huh... 09-01-2024 - 20:23
  Re: Roger Rudick trashes media traffic coverage for Labor Day that ignores trains FUD 09-02-2024 - 08:54
  Re: Roger Rudick trashes media traffic coverage for Labor Day that ignores trains Amtrak = Bus 09-02-2024 - 23:02
  Re: Roger Rudick trashes media traffic coverage for Labor Day that ignores trains BOB2 09-07-2024 - 14:42

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