Your air compressor is looking sluggish, etc.
Author: Why bother
Date: 09-01-2024 - 21:21

Did this gentleman, Wes, also nitpick the operation of UP 3985 and 844 ten or more years ago?

"There's not enough weight behind the tender to draft the fire..."

"So, besides carrying water of known impurities content,
running all day in 'saturated' steam production uses double the amount of

"I'm impressed with smaller locos matched to decent sized trains."

He's in la-la land if he thinks UP should pull a heavy revenue train with the 4014.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Ed Dickens wants to chat Mr Ed 09-01-2024 - 20:17
  Re: Ed Dickens wants to chat - Translation of A.P.'s very own T.O. troll rant Friction bearing 09-01-2024 - 20:54
  Your air compressor is looking sluggish, etc. Why bother 09-01-2024 - 21:21
  Re: Your air compressor is looking sluggish, etc. - Wes actually was not "nitpicking" in his post. "Ten or more years" ago 09-01-2024 - 22:06
  Re: Your air compressor is looking sluggish, etc. - Wes actually was not "nitpicking" in his post. Why bother 09-03-2024 - 13:32
  Re: Ed Dickens wants to chat - Translation of A.P.'s very own T.O. troll rant ! 09-02-2024 - 11:48
  Re: Ed Dickens wants to chat - Translation of A.P.'s very own T.O. troll rant ? 09-02-2024 - 12:17
  Re: Ed Dickens wants to chat - Translation of A.P.'s very own T.O. troll rant Out of It 09-02-2024 - 15:17
  Re: Ed Dickens wants to chat - Translation of A.P.'s very own T.O. troll rant ! 09-02-2024 - 15:35
  Re: Ed Dickens wants to chat - Translation of A.P.'s very own T.O. troll rant ?? 09-07-2024 - 07:08

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