Re: Your air compressor is looking sluggish, etc. - Wes actually was not "nitpicking" in his post.
Author: "Ten or more years" ago
Date: 09-01-2024 - 22:06

Why bother Wrote:
> Did this gentleman, Wes, also nitpick the
> operation of UP 3985 and 844 ten or more years
> ago?


> "There's not enough weight behind the tender to
> draft the fire..."
> "So, besides carrying water of known impurities
> content,
> running all day in 'saturated' steam production
> uses double the amount of
> water..."
> "I'm impressed with smaller locos matched to
> decent sized trains."
> He's in la-la land if he thinks UP should pull a
> heavy revenue train with the 4014.

Funny thing, Wes DOES NOT think that (and even says as much in that thread).

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Ed Dickens wants to chat Mr Ed 09-01-2024 - 20:17
  Re: Ed Dickens wants to chat - Translation of A.P.'s very own T.O. troll rant Friction bearing 09-01-2024 - 20:54
  Your air compressor is looking sluggish, etc. Why bother 09-01-2024 - 21:21
  Re: Your air compressor is looking sluggish, etc. - Wes actually was not "nitpicking" in his post. "Ten or more years" ago 09-01-2024 - 22:06
  Re: Your air compressor is looking sluggish, etc. - Wes actually was not "nitpicking" in his post. Why bother 09-03-2024 - 13:32
  Re: Ed Dickens wants to chat - Translation of A.P.'s very own T.O. troll rant ! 09-02-2024 - 11:48
  Re: Ed Dickens wants to chat - Translation of A.P.'s very own T.O. troll rant ? 09-02-2024 - 12:17
  Re: Ed Dickens wants to chat - Translation of A.P.'s very own T.O. troll rant Out of It 09-02-2024 - 15:17
  Re: Ed Dickens wants to chat - Translation of A.P.'s very own T.O. troll rant ! 09-02-2024 - 15:35
  Re: Ed Dickens wants to chat - Translation of A.P.'s very own T.O. troll rant ?? 09-07-2024 - 07:08

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